Thursday, November 6, 2008

Leaky Roofs and Demolition

I should really bring my camera over to the abode to document some of these fun adventures. Last night was great fun, I got to go up on the roof for the first the dark...after it had been raining. The previously mentioned leak needed to be addressed before we got another rain (which I'm glad got done since it's pouring today). So, after dismantling the upstairs closet, which I must say was a smashing good time, and not being able to find the leak, I headed up to the roof. Turns out the pipe that drains the flat part of the roof to the pitched roof had rusted through...a little caulk later and viola no more leak. Other than that more of the sticky stinky icky carpets got tossed out the back door. I think I'm going to need a dumpster. While the City of Tacoma gives you 2 free bulk pickups a year...I'm not sure that carpet and drywall are included. Oh yeah and under the sticky stinky icky carpet was stairs and 1/2 a room of hardwood floor (hooray) though why only 1/2 a room I'll never guess.

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